This charity helps families with a parent in prison and was founded by a social worker who realised there was great need for families who, through no fault of their own, found that they were stigmatized, isolated and unsure where to go for help. The charity is able to give information, listen to their concerns and ensure their voices are heard.
Over recent years we have supplied wellington boots for children and adults, sleeping bags and outdoor games. Each summer there’s a Residential Weekend of fun and encouragement at Hill End Camp in Cumnor, near Oxford. As many of the families travel by train to the event it’s so much easier if they don’t have to carry bulky sleeping bags and wellies so we have donated those for them to use.
We have also knitted hundreds of stocking, chicks and sheep to give to the children and filled them with chocolate figures. They are so pleased to receive something made especially for them. There are Christmas and Easter parties at Hill End and before Christmas 2023 we had a request for party food and breakfast food for those families staying overnight. Thanks to the money you’ve raised in the past we were able to help with that, and we’ll be doing the same for the Easter party this Spring.
Please visit the website to find out more about this valuable charity.