Canterbury Provincial Gathering

On Saturday, 22nd June, Mothers’ Union Diocese of Oxford hosted a wonderful gathering of almost 300 members and guests from across Canterbury Province at The King’s Centre in Oxford.  Several of our members and all of our trustees took part and helped with the setting up of displays and talking to those from other dioceses and I’d like to thank everyone for all their help in making it such a successful occasion.

There was ample opportunity during the day for us to learn about activities in different dioceses and there were also displays relating to the Action and Outreach work of Mothers’ Union.  It was really inspiring to realise how many different ways in which we reach out into our local communities.  Mothers’ Union really is Faith in Action.

The day was opened and closed in prayer and during the middle of the day we had a Eucharist service led by Rev. Emma Ham-Riche, the Provincial Chaplain, who preached about the importance of embracing the Holy Spirit in everything we do.

During the morning we also had a session called ‘Hymns We Love’ from Pippa and Steve Cramer.  They are based in Guildford Diocese and run faith-based programmes aimed at older people which explore the meanings within well known hymns and which draw people into a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.  Pippa and Steve write books and provide video and other resources for leaders to use in their own programmes.  One of the highlights of the day was when, during the Eucharist service, Pippa and Steve were enrolled into Mothers’ Union and welcomed by the DP of Guildford Diocese.

Towards the end of the afternoon we were entertained by Andy Kind, a comedian who is well know to Mothers’ Union.

It was a very full day but with plenty of time, particularly during lunch, for members to chat, meet up with old friends and make new ones.  Kathryn Anderson, our Provincial President closed the event and we all went our different ways home with happy memories and renewed purpose for our mission here in Canterbury Province and in support of Mothers’ Union across the world.

Jenny Searle

Fundraising and Communications Unit Coordinator


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